The Annoying Beast of Writer's Block

 Ah, how ironic, me talking about writers block while I am currently suffering from it. 

As I sat down to brainstorm ideas for this post, my mind felt like mush. Literally. I have no creativity or ideas whatsoever, and all that was floating around in my head was a fire dragon I named Cyrus but that's a story for later. 

So I decided to write what I thought and what I felt. 

Ultimately. I decided to write about not being able to know what to write. 

So, writers block. 

What is it? 

Well, I'm sure all of my fellow writers out there and VERY acquainted with this  monster, as it seems to attack right when you need to get out a story, or jot down a few words. 

So lets explain what this is to all the innocents. 

Basically, its when your mind runs out of creative fuel, and stalls for a moment or few. You literally have no idea on what to write, and its exactly what it sounds like, a block. Whether a block in creativity and imagination or a block of nothingness and negativity I will let you decide. 

It creeps up on you and washes over your mind, wiping away any residue of ideas, or sometimes, common sense. 

You kinda just sit there, not doing anything, desperately wanting to be productive but failing, and then in the end, you go to search for memes. 

I can't believe some people think writers actually write most of the time.

Ha, only if they knew. 

It's a tedious process, including research, searching up names, reading, surfing memes, tearing out your hair, and then ending the story on a cliffhanger not because you want to but because you don't know what else to write. Repeat x10. 

It's funny how there are so many memes of writer's block, from all the authors suffering form writer's block. Its a cycle of having writer's block, making memes, then looking at memes about writer's block that were made by someone with writer's block. 

That was a lot of writer's block. 

The annoying part is that it seems to strike when you need it the most. 


So yeah, its a pretty big deal. 

There are SO MANY websites on "how to get over writer's block", but here is advice from and actual writer currently very pissed at how my brain feels like...yep, mush. 

Basically, one thing is, it's almost impossible to get over it. 

You can find ways to stimulate your brain and find creativity, but actually overcoming it so it never attacks you again in your life? Nope, sorry, not happening unless you're a superhuman. 

It will be back, but what we're focusing on is getting rid of it for now. 

What I like doing the most is Free Fall work. 

When you have writer's block, nothing you write makes sense, cause its all just blank space. So free fall solves that.

I mean, a page full of nonsense and grammatical errors is better than nothing right? 

It totally is. 

You just jot down and write whatever comes into your mind, without worries about plotlines, grammar, and I'll admit it, common sense. Free Fall focuses on making your mind active again, on making you at least have SOMETHING on the page without sitting there not knowing what to do. Then slowly, as you're writing nonsense, your ideas and creativity will return! It's really fun, but the hard part is ignoring all the errors and terrible confusing words. I don't know if that's just me, but when I see an error or something messed up in my writing, I HAVE TO FIX IT RIGHT THEN AND THERE. I can't just- just ignore it. I'm trying to let them go, but it's proving to be harder than I initially thought. 

Another thing you can do is- READ! 

Reading books and reading the works of other authors who have already suffered from writers block but regained their creativity helps with your own! You may start getting ideas from their work, and slowly, the idea can build up till you feel like you can accomplish a story! It really helps. Sometimes, you may not get any ideas, but hey, at least you managed to immerse yourself into a world full of them! I have no idea why, but I tend to get SO MANY ideas at night. Which is probably why I have a notebook full of ideas written in messy writing due to the fact that I wrote them at 3 am in complete darkness. 

One of the other things that just may help, is clearing your mind. You may be like "But my mind is already clear! Why would I want it to be even more blank?" 

The thing is, clearing your mind gives you more room for creativity and imagination. Taking a walk on a clear day, or even on a rainy, or cold day and observing your surroundings helps very much. Maybe think about how you would describe the scene you're walking in. Envision you character in your place and think about how you would write it out. For me it would be something along the lines of "The delicate white beauties falling from the sky decorated the tall branches of the trees that look as if they were reaching up into the sky to catch the flakes on them."  

Believe it or not, I actually edited that one sentence twice because my over-obsessiveness to make things perfect took over. 

Well, I'm gonna end it here for today's post. 

Remember, write's block isn't gonna stop you from writing :) 



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