So I Read "The Worst Book Ever"...

Yay another weird post that no one saw coming! 

Okay so first of all- APOLOGIES. I missed a post last Friday so I'm uploading this post early to make up for it, while the actual post is still stubbornly unfinished. I've been so caught up in *cough* real life that I barely get time to finish the post. The fact that I keep forgetting to add things to mention doesn't really help, but hey- at least I can guarantee you an extra-long blog post for the near future.

I'm planning on doing a Q & A pretty soon so if you have any questions to ask me, or just random comments, make sure you do the blog poll! I'm gonna on answering all of them! 

(also just an FYI that the link to this post will also be in the "Books Books and More Books" tab on my blog, if you want to access it from there.)



Oh sweet sweet novels. 

I don't think I've ever come across one that I've hated, or that I've described as the absolute worst. Sure some were boring, bland, had terrible plotlines, and were a general disorganized mess, but they weren't the worst. 

Which leads me to this week's book review. 

I was sitting in my place of abode, pondering the inexplicable complications of brainstorming for a blog post. Until an idea struck me like white hot lightning, zinging through my vein-

Yeah okay, enough dramatics. Don't wanna scare off any readers. Point is, I had an idea to review the "worst book ever", so of course, I googled, "What is the worst book ever", like any human being with two braincells left would do. 

Shockingly, I discovered that there was a book, quite literally titled, "The Worst Book Ever". To prove its point, it has an illustration of a medal on the cover that boldly states: "Winner of Zero Book Awards!" so you know it's legit. 

I put a hold on the book, and literally just picked it up. So here I am already drafting out a blog post for it.

My dear readers, I proudly introduce to you..."The Worst Book Ever".

The book itself appears to be a graphic novel, and I have a couple first impressions before I read it. 

I have a slight feeling that the title is a misnomer, which is, in wikipedia words, "a name that is incorrectly or unsuitably applied." aka, something that was named something that doesn't really suit it, either on purpose to be funny, or by accident. An example of this is if the person who named bunnies named them as "The Incredibly Deadly Feral Rodent of Rabies" just so they could laugh as their colleagues ran away screaming. 

Anyway I think this book probably won't end up being the absolute worst book ever, but we'll see. 

One thing that I think added a nice touch is the back cover, which has book reviews from...ah, one hundred percent established sources. Let me recite them so you understand what I'm getting at here:

"Do not buy this book. I repeat: do not buy this book."

- The Nice Journal That Is Nice 


"I can't believe I wasted my time reading this"

- The Weekly Windbag 


 "Now I have to go wash my eyes with soap"

- The Independent Telegram Tribune Gazette Bulletin Post 


"If I had to choose between reading this again or having all my teeth knocked out with a jackhammer, I would choose the second option"
- The Horse's Mouth

(If you couldn't tell already, these aren't actual reviews.)

Alright enough dawdling (does anyone even use that term anymore?) let's read it!

*reads it*




oh boy. 

I like it. 

It's pretty short, like a picture book, and at a very easy reading level, but I think its still worth reviewing.

I think this book was very comedic, and I love how there are side characters reacting to the terrible story. A black spiked ball, a pink blob, and a spider to be precise. The main story is about a "prinse" and a "prinsess" and their clichéd fairy tale story.

(sorry 'bout the photo quality, I had to take them myself)

The book had a lot of spelling errors and terrible mechanics, which were all intentional of course, to make it the worst book ever. That, I found, was very clever of the author.

The book had a main theme, a pattern that became evident the more you read. The spider is the one seriously criticizing the story, the pink blob is the "rude" one who basically talks about how terrible each page is, and the black "sPiKeD cReAtUrE" is the optimist, pointing out the positive sides. 

I love how the side characters are almost like..."alive" in the book. It makes it so fun to read!

This is one of my favourite pages:

Once again, I love how the characters are "alive" in a way, and seemingly interact with the world outside of the book. The coffee stain and random food particles look veeeery real and believable, props to the illustrator for that. 

Another notable page in this book is the last page, where the author so kindly included a page with all of the spelling mistakes from the book. 

Wonderful, right? 

In the end, this book is meant for younger audiences, but it was super fun to read! The plot is very simple to understand and I'm sure kids will love this short and sweet read! 



What are you saying Saph?

Are you implying that...that...this isn't actually the worst book ever???

Yes I am indeed folks, yes I am indeed. 

I mean yeah it was a bit dry, and very short, but it made me laugh! The overall concept of this book was unique and new. It was something I've never seen in graphic novels/picture books before. 

I think this book has a lot of creativity from the author and illustrator, and is one hundred percent not the worst book ever. 

- Sincerely, Saph


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