~ ❄🎄 MERRY CHRISTMAS! ~ 4 Holiday Themed Book Recs! 🎄❄ ~

🎄 MERRY CHRISTMAS! (and a happy new year~) 🎄


With the holiday season comes candy cane stained teeth (I've eaten too many for my own good), the warmth of hot chocolate, Tim Horton's plethora of seasonal flavors, and, of course, the holiday themed novels, most of which are romances containing conveniently placed mistletoes.

Christmas is always one of my most favorite holidays, the bright lights, the people, the festivities, they have a certain charm that resonate deep within me. The Christmas season always perks me up :)

To celebrate that yearly Christmas charm, I've gathered 4 holiday themed books that I discovered this December!

Bring on the Christmas vibes ;)


1. What Light - Jay Asher

Book Description: Sierra's family runs a Christmas tree farm in Oregon - it's a bucolic setting for a girl to grow up in, except that every year, they pack up and move to California to set up their Christmas tree lot for the season. So Sierra lives two lives: her life in Oregon and her life at Christmas. And leaving one always means missing the other.

Until this particular Christmas, when Sierra meets Caleb, and one life eclipses the other.

By reputation, Caleb is not your perfect guy: years ago, he made an enormous mistake and has been paying for it ever since. But Sierra sees beyond Caleb's past and becomes determined to help him find forgiveness and, maybe, redemption. As disapproval, misconceptions, and suspicions swirl around them, Caleb and Sierra discover the one thing that transcends all else: true love.

"What Light is a story that's moving and life-affirming and completely unforgettable." - Goodreads


Now you may recognize this famous author from his extremely well known novel, 13 Reasons Why. 

Reading this book made me feel all the feels. It was a sweet novel with a ton Christmas spirit and love. Caleb's character was developed wonderfully and showed amazing growth throughout the novel, notably after meeting Sierra. Overall, a sweet, heartwarming novel to binge on Christmas Eve <3


2. Dash & Lily's Book of Dares - Rachel Cohn and David Levithan 

Book Description:  "I've left some clues for you. If you want them, turn the page. If you don't, put the book back on the shelf please."

So begins the latest whirlwind romance from the best selling authors of Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist. Lily has left a red notebook full of challenges on a favorite bookstore shelf, waiting for just the right guy to come along and accept its dares. But is Dash that right guy? Or are Dash and Lily only destined to trade dares, dreams, and desires in the notebook they pass back and forth at locations across New York? Could their in-person selves possibly connect as well as their notebook versions? Or will they be a comic mismatch of disastrous proportions? 

"It's a lighthearted story of two people falling in love over their passion for books" - The Guardian


Some of you may recognize this book from the popular Netflix show adapted from it! I think this is one of my favorites out of the Christmas books I've read this year. 

I loved the concept of this novel, and reading the way Dash and Lily's relationship grew throughout their experiences and dares. I also love the writing style of the authors! 

This is a great romance to binge this Christmas! 


3. Blame it on the Mistletoe - Beth Garrod

Book Description: Elle is a social media star with the #DreamLife...or so it seems. Determined to shake up her content and gain new followers, she's on a mission: can she find a British fan to swap with for Christmas? 

Holly loves everything about Christmas. But after a mortifying mistletoe disaster with her ex, her perfect plans unravel like a bad Christmas sweater. Can Holly save the holidays when she switches places with her favorite social media influencer? 

Elle gets more than she bargained when she meets the cute boy from across the street. And Holly wasn't expecting Elle to have a handsome twin brother. This holiday is full of surprises.

"A festive story that shows that in the end, it's friends, not followers, who count." - Kirkus Reviews


This book made me laugh out loud! The fun, bubbly, and at times exuberant writing of the author was enjoyable to read, and the whole "Christmas Switch" concept was sweet and hilarious to read, especially when the romantic aspect entered into the plot. 

I was surprised at the start at how fast paced the story was, but I kept at it and honestly, I don't regret it! One thing I enjoyed perceiving is Holly's bright personality! The author's writing style fit the character's personality, and I thought it was unique how the writing portrayed that! The Christmas theme was incorporated a LOT, which makes it the perfect book to read this Christmas!

Overall, very sweet- *very* christmassy- book :)


4. Ten Blind Dates - Ashley Elston

Book Description: Sophie wants one thing for Christmas - a little freedom from her overprotective. So when they decide to spend Christmas in South Louisiana with her very pregnant older sister, Sophie is looking forward to some very much needed private (read: make-out) time with her long-term boyfriend, Griffin. Except it turns out that Griffin wants a little freedom from their relationship. Cue devastation.

Heartbroken, Sophie flees to her grandparents' house, where the rest of her boisterous extended family is gathered for the holidays. That's when her nonna devises a (not so) brilliant plan: Over the next ten days, Sophie will be set up on ten different blind dates by different family members. Like her sweet cousin Sara, who sets her up with a hot guy at an exclusive underground party. Or her crazy aunt Patrice, who signs Sophie up for a lead role in a living nativity. With a boy who barely reaches her shoulder. And a screaming baby.

When Griffin turns up unexpectedly and begs for a second chance, Sophie feels more confused than ever. Because maybe, just maybe, she's started to have feelings to have someone else...someone who is definitely not available. 

This is going to be the worst Christmas break ever...or is it?

"It is POSITVIELY DELIGHTFUL - all caps - from beginning to end." - Alethea Kontis, NPR

First, of all, I wanted to thank @reads.with.lauren on Instagram, for recommending this book to me. Definitely check out their page :)

As soon as I read the description of this book, I was all in to read it. I am so glad this book got recommended to me. I laughed out loud many times throughout bingeing this, and Sophie's story was so fun to read! I like the plot overall, how she gets set up on dates chosen by her family- and I'm sure you can imagine how chaotic family can be. 

Absolutely loved it!


These books were so fun to read this Christmas, and really got me into the holiday spirit! I hope you enjoy them as much as I did!

I hope you have a very merry holiday season <3 


- Saph


  1. those book recs sound amazing! i'll be sure to check some of them out some time ;p
    lkslsajkdlgkjs i stumbled upon your other blog post and cant help but notice *screams* letters to the lost, i was obsessed with that book for the longest time too. i don't know if you've read 'more than we can tell' buuuut it mainly focuses on Rev and it's just as good i would say :)
    love the blog update btw <3

    1. They definitely are! Sounds great ;)

      EWOIFJIOEAFIO yes omg Letters to the Lost- I love it so much. Woah I've never heard of that! I've always loved Rev's character, and I actually really wanted more about him and his past, so that's probably gonna *casually* slide to the top of my tbr list :p
      Thank you <3

  2. Hey Saph!
    I have watched Dash and Lily and I too think., that it was very good. Maybe I will read the others too,
    Here's a mistake that I found: Sophie wants one thing for Christmas - a little freedom from her overprotective.
    I think you left a word after 'overprotective'.....
    All's well and I am glad to find you back after a long break!!!

    1. Ooh that's cool! Hopefully I'll get to watching it :)

      eugh grammar mistakes will be the death of me, thank you so so much for pointing that out.

      Thank you! I'm glad I still have supportive friends like you to back me up!


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