My Favourite Childhood Reads! - *Nostalgia Alert*
Welcome back to another post!

I am not exaggerating when I say this but- if you google "robert munsch books" I can guarantee you that I've seen/read every single book that comes up. While I was growing up and in elementary school, Robert Munsch books were my favourite books, and by the looks of it, the teachers agreed. I'm pretty sure 90% of the books read to me in grade one were by Robert Munsch, and I even remember my teacher writing (and receiving) and letter from him!
I have no idea why this book spoke to me so much but I'll always remember it! I loved staring at the illustrations for what seemed like hours and the story was so riveting for five-year-old me. I feel like this is slightly less known then some of the other books on here, but then again, it was pretty famous in my school so that might just be me.
The first thing that came into my mind when I saw this cover was "Oh...guess this is where the glitter obsession began."
I was browsing my local library (check out my book highlight reel on Instagram to see all the books I found!) when I found a certain gem that took me back to the time I was I elementary, going by the name of "Dear Dumb Diary"
*moment of silence for the nostalgia wave that probably just hit you*
In light of that event, I decided to put together a post of all of my favourite childhood reads! This post is overflowing with nostalgia (and overflowing with the word nostalgia itself) so a fair warning :)
1. The Magic Treehouse series
As soon as I saw this cover, memories of sitting in my school library in one of those blue chairs with the tennis balls on their legs washed over me. I remember reading these novels for hours, immersed in the adventure.
I think the main thing about the magic treehouse I loved was that I never knew where they were gonna go in every novel (the title being the only clue). I loved the idea of a treehouse taking you to whole new realms and countries, and felt myself going to those places with the characters.
2. Robert Munsch classics!

I am not exaggerating when I say this but- if you google "robert munsch books" I can guarantee you that I've seen/read every single book that comes up. While I was growing up and in elementary school, Robert Munsch books were my favourite books, and by the looks of it, the teachers agreed. I'm pretty sure 90% of the books read to me in grade one were by Robert Munsch, and I even remember my teacher writing (and receiving) and letter from him!
These picture books unlocked so many memories in my brain that I forgot even existed.
3. Love You Forever
That's the only way I can convey how I feel about this book- lol.
This book is a classic mom-book that I'm sure a lot of children have read- or have had read to them. I remember when I first had it read to me, I think I might've gotten a little teary....
This book will always be a favourite <3
4. The Very Hungry Caterpillar
This book is just- such a staple in a kid's bookshelf. It makes me smile every time I read it! It's one of the books that should be passed down from every generation :) I think the pictures and interactive design of the pages are what truly captured my attention.
5. Where the Wild Things Are
6. The Cat in the Hat
C'mon- I I really need a reason for putting this in here?
There's just something about Dr.Suess books that are so appealing to kids, including me. The fun rhymes and the unique images. I really cannot get over his drawing style, its so...unique and never-seen-before. The Cat in The Hat is probably one of the most known children's books in the world, and for a good reason. There are a lot of other Dr.Suess books (ex. "Horton Hears a Who") that I truly cherish, and he was probably one of my favourite authors as a child.
7. Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
What a trip down memory lane!
I remember this book being one of my favourites because of the humor of it all, of Alexander's bad day. (Was it slightly evil of all of us to laugh at this poor child having a bad day? Maybe.)
I think the title, though, is what captured most readers of this book. The absurdity and exaggeration of it all is what makes kids pick up this book, curious to know more about Alexander's day.
8. Guess How Much I Love You
As a child I found it so heartwarming, looking at the animals and their parents. The book itself has a "Will-Definetley-Be-On-Your-Bookshelf-20-Years-Later" vibe.
It gave me perception of love and how limitless it can be. And well, that we have really great parents :)
9. The Rainbow Fish
The first thing that came into my mind when I saw this cover was "Oh...guess this is where the glitter obsession began."
As a child, I remember thinking that this cover was absolutely genius, like it was the most beautiful thing I had ever saw.
This book taught me about sharing, and that though being unique is good, it can get a little lonely sometimes. I loved the story of the rainbow fish, and I'm pretty sure I tried to replicate this cover but failed to a glitter monster attacking me and my desk.
10. Don't Let the Pidgeon Drive the Bus!
Oh gosh.
I was all out obsessed with these.
I remember in grade four literally every child would run to claim these books. I also remember hauling a big stack and reading through every. single. one.
I still find them funny to this day :)
That's it for today! I hope you enjoyed this post!
- Sincerely, Saph
Wow! What an amazing post! I've read almost all of these (But somehow not all) and relate to all your reviews. Awesome job!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! <3
DeleteHey Sapphire!
ReplyDeleteI have not read MOST of these books, but I know one thing...the Alexander and his very bad day book, it has a movie based on the same and I have seen that....have you seen it?
Yeah actually!!! I've seen it, wbu?
DeleteSaph, I don't know how to ask this, but can you do a Q/A post AGAIN where you talk about the FAQs you get related to blogging. You might be able to share some stats for your blog as well you know? Like the number of viewers in the last month and things like that.
DeleteI just wanted to follow up on this and say that I'll be putting out a google form for people to submit questions/FAQ's <3 thank you for the suggestion!
DeleteSaphieeeeeee! Hai :) I love this post, and I had so much nostalgia <3 I'm thinking about starting a blog....Do you have any advice?
ReplyDeleteHiiii :) Thank you!!!!
DeleteWell the main thing I would say I consistency- which is something I tend to struggle with too. That and posting things you actually have a passion in, things that matter to you. Stick to what you love!
Thanks for the comment <333